Linda Guy

Linda qualified in 1997 and has worked in the musculoskeletal field, working in various departments within the NHS before setting up in private practice in 2002.

Linda has a post-graduate certificate in the management of sporting injuries and has recently completed a Masters Module in Kinetic Control – a system identifying problem muscle activity and exercise planning to rectify it.

Linda has undertaken further courses in Pilates, which is utilised within her practice. 

Linda has a special interest in lower back and spinal problems and is very keen on rehabilitation to try to encourage people to look after their backs and maintain in tip-top condition.

Linda is also particularly interested in sporting performance and how strengthening the core and improving biomechanics can improve sporting performance and reduce injuries.

This links in really well with her interest in Pilates.  This can also be used at a basic level to improve posture and basic strength and progressed onwards to “Boot Camp” levels to assist athletes perform better and reduce stress on their bodies.